Sharepic Generator

A picture says more than a thousand words! Use this page to show your love for Free Software and its community by generating a picture that you can share on social media channels or add to your blog. To apply a template image to your own, just fill in all fields, submit, and download the resulting image.

I love Free Software

The I Love Free Software Day, celebrated on 14 February, is the perfect opportunity for you to express your special gratitude and show your appreciation for Free Software. More information on

The following licenses apply to the templates: First template: CC BY 4.0 Lisa Schmidt. Other three templates: CC0 1.0. This license does not apply to the photo attached by the user to the template, nor to the output photo produced by this picture generator.

Public Money? Public Code!

Why is software created using taxpayers' money not released as Free Software? If it is public money, it should be public code as well. For more information on Public Money? Public Code! head over to

The following license applies to the template: CC BY-SA 4.0 Markus Meier. This license does not apply to the photo attached by the user to the template, nor to the output photo produced by this picture generator.

Ada & Zangemann

Ada & Zangemann is a tale about Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream. Read it at

The following license applies to the template: CC BY-SA 3.0 DE Sandra Brandstätter. This license does not apply to the photo attached by the user to the template, nor to the output photo produced by this picture generator.

SFSCON - Free Software Conference

The SFSCON is an annually Free Software conference located in Bolzano, Italy. Visit it at

The following license applies to the template: CC BY-SA 4.0 NOI S.p.A. / NOI Techpark. This license does not apply to the photo attached by the user to the template, nor to the output photo produced by this picture generator.
